Temporary Assistance (TA) is a form of temporary financial assistance available for needy children, families and single individuals. This program may be able to assist you if you are unable to work, cannot find a job or your income does not meet your basic needs. Temporary Assistance may be able to help pay for expenses such as food, clothing, rent/mortgage, heat and utilities.
At the time of application, you may apply for full Temporary Assistance which includes financial assistance, SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) and Medicaid. Temporary Assistance eligibility is based on income, resource and eligibility requirements.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - If you or a loved one has experienced ACEs, services may be available in your community. Please visit: ocfs.ny.gov/ACEs More Info HERE
Emergency Assistance (EAA, EAF, ESN) is a one time payment to alleviate an urgent need such as, but not limited to; eviction, out of fuel, or utility shut-off. The eligibility for Emergency Assistance various based on the type of emergency.
To apply for Emergency Assistance you must fill out an application for Temporary Assistance. To obtain a Temporary Assistance application, click on the link below: http://www.otda.statey.ny.us/main/apps
Homeless Assistance- Individuals and families that are homeless may apply for Emergency Assistance for homelessness and if eligible may be provided with temporary housing accommodations. There are specific eligibility guidelines for this program.
In addition to the Examiners in the Homeless Unit, the Agency contracts with St. Catherine's Children and Family Services for Caseworkers to work with the homeless population. The Examiners and Caseworkers work together with the homeless to assist them with removing barriers and alleviate homelessness.
To apply for Housing Assistance for the Homeless you must fill out a Temporary Assistance application. To obtain the Temporary Assistance application, click on the link below: http://www.otda.state.ny.us/main/apps/